
On Technology

“The biggest irony in the world today is that science and technology can effect industrial development and eliminate poverty but is used by the multinational firms and banks to exploit the people of the world, extract superprofits and debt service from them, deprive them of the boon of development and consign them to worsening levels of poverty.”


On Human Rights

“There can be an effective advocacy and militant defense of human rights only by knowing who are the violators of human rights and who are the victims and by recognizing that the people themselves can fight for their human rights through the national democratic movement.”


“The substantive scope of human rights covers not only civil and political rights, but also the economic, social and cultural rights of the Filipino people.  The people assert and fight for the full scope of human rights in their struggle for national and social liberation.”


On the Environment

“In extracting superprofits and debt service from the third world, the foreign monopoly capitalists are the biggest plunderers of human and natural resources and despoilers and polluters of the natural environment.  The environmental issue as well as the demand for sustainable development can be seriously addressed only by criticizing and repudiating imperialism and by struggling for liberation.”


On Education

“Academic freedom is not merely a protective mantle for cultivating an egotistic and self-gratifying type of enlightenment and expertise or for undertaking the study, training and research program approved by the capitalist state and its monopoly firms.”


“Aside from being the keeper and disseminator of received knowledge, the university promotes the advance of knowledge to a new and higher level for the sake of social progress.  It has the obligation to perform critical and creative functions in the contemporary world.  Here lies social responsibility that leads to social progress.”


“The bourgeois mode of thinking dominant in society inevitably circulates in or pervades your university at the present time.  The monopoly bourgeois never ceases to influence the university in the capitalist world.  In addition to the tuition fees paid by the students, funds and other resources are received by the university from the state and from the capitalist firms and certain requirements consistent with the demands of capitalism are attached to these resources.” 


“Academic freedom is best exercised and practiced when you perform your critical and creative functions, when you can see through the workings of monopoly capitalism and criticize the capitalist appropriation of science and technology to extract profits, exploit the proletariat and the people, impose neocolonialism on the countries of the third world and relegate the people there to poverty and misery.”


On Economic Crisis

“The capitalist crisis of overproduction is actually being accelerated by high technology and a shrinking world market due to the penury and indebtedness of the client states.  In the rush to become more efficient and more profitable, the monopoly capitalist firms are now laying off both blue and white collar workers with the latter becoming more and more vulnerable to replacement by computers, and are forcing smaller firms into mergers and bankruptcies.


“The ongoing crisis of the world capitalist system is a crisis of overproduction.  The production of surplus industrial and agricultural goods is now coming on top of a long depressed South and East of the world, which had earlier suffered from the overproduction of raw materials and deteriorating terms of trade for these and are reeling from mounting deficits and foreign debt.  The crisis of overproduction has been accelerated by the unprecedented internationalization of  capital since the end of World War II and by the application of high technology in the production of surplus manufactures and raw materials which cannot be disposed of profitably.  Now, there is a depression of the world market as a result of the overproduction and the massive amount of bad debts.  Overconsumption by the US has made it the biggest deficit-spender and the biggest debtor-country.  The tighter integration of such huge markets as those of China, India and the Soviet Union in the world capitalist system in the 1980’s have only served to aggravate the crisis of overproduction.”


“At the moment, the rapacity of the big bourgeoisie is becoming more and more obvious in the industrial capitalist countries as unemployment increase, social cutbacks are made, public enterprises are privatized, the wealthy and the monopolies are given tax breaks and public funds are further appropriated for the welfare of private corporations at the expense of the people.”


On Philippine Urbanization

“The increase in city population form 19.8% of the total national population in 1960 to 21% in 1990 is not really big and does not necessarily mean either real urbanization or industrialization.  Only a small portion of the urban population enjoys such amenities as piped-in water and electricity.  In fact, the conditions of rural backwardness and poverty are brought into the cities by the huge reserve army of labor (unemployed) coming in from the countryside.”


On Peace Talks

“True to its revolutionary principles, the NDFP does not accept the GRP Constitution as the sole and one-sided legal and political frame of negotiations and refuses to be drawn at the outset to the line of “restoring trust and confidence in GRP.”  Neither does the NDFP demand that the GRP submit itself to the NDFP Constitution and Program.   Instead, the NDFP proposes such mutually acceptable principles as national sovereignty, democracy, social justice and the like and the agreements still to be made as the legal and political frame of negotiations.”


On Mistaken Ideas of Socialism

“The Chinese revisionists have caricatured socialism as nothing more than an absolutely egalitarian supply system based on permanent poverty, a pot from which everyone gets his equal rice share irrespective of the quantity and quality of work done, as if there had been no system of wage differentials under Mao, and no possibility of moral incentives and civic sense.”